The site of Two Guns is recognized as an easy place to cross Canyon Diablo--first, by wagon, and then later by motor cars. It was originally called "Canyon Lodge" when the National Trail Highway moved westward. When the Trail was re-named Route 66, the site's name was changed to Two Guns. During the heyday of Route 66, Two Guns became one of the numerous tourist traps along the way, with a gas station, overnight accommodations, a food emporium, as well as the zoo. Two Guns went into decline with the building of Interstate 40. Remains: The old bridge across Canyon Diablo which was a part of the National Trail and Route 66 is still standing; there are also numerous ruins associated with the zoo, as well as the remnants of buildings associated with various eras of Two Guns's past. There are also the abandoned gas station and the camp grounds buildings complete with a swimming pool. Camping is not recommended in the area due to the close proximity to Interstate 40.
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