Gary, Steve, Cat & Jim


this place is well secluded
Several Structures in and near Reveille

this is in decent condition
More Buildings

a good place to camp
Gary and Steve checking things out

the roof on this one is shot
Stone Building with a Wood Roof

Silver discoveries in 1866 led to the formation of this mining camp on the east side of the Reveille Range.  Fifty mines were developed.  Supplies arriving via Austin took six days over vast desert floors and mountain ranges.  After a five stamp mill was constructed in 1867, a ten stamp mill was built the following year.  Both mills fell silent in a few short years.  The Gila Silver Mining Company purchased the principal properties in 1875.  The ten stamp mill was repaired and silver processing resumed.  In 1880, after the operation produced over $1.5 million, silence once again fell over Reveille.  In 1904, lead mines opened at the New Reveille site, which was located about six miles south on the western side of the Reveille Range.  Operations producing more than $4 million remained active until 1945.  Reveille is well secluded with some wood available.

a better place to camp
A nearby Ranch

this interior isn't bad
A nice Table

interesting brand-burns inside
Another Ranch Building

this is all that's left...except for fresh water
The Reveille Mill

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