The townsite of Rhyolite was constructed in 1905 near the district's most
important mines whose operations began shortly after a gold discovery the year before. Free lots were offered to merchants in an effort
to quickly attract a variety of businesses. A post office and newspaper were quickly established. By 1906, property values soared into thousands of dollars per lot. The mining stock exploded in value and railroad service was established. By 1907, a telephone exchange was
built in Rhyolite which now had over 6000 inhabitants. Soon, Rhyolite boasted three water companies, three ice plants, electric street lights,
hotels with private baths, three railroads, four banks, dozens of saloons, an opera house and four newspapers. When financial panic struck the
nation in late 1907, all the high grade ore had been mined. The remaining low grade veins soon proved unprofitable to work.
All mining finally came to a halt in 1910, leaving only 700 people in Rhyolite. Vandals and the weather destroyed most of the town
between 1920 and 1930. The expensive depot and famous bottle house remain occupied today by volunteers who protect the town from
vandalism. Free tours are sometimes available for the bottle house and railroad depot.