Summer thunderstorms are common in these mountains. To avoid the rain, we usually camp in a building. If the roof is good and a wall is missing, we can drive the Cheap Jeep inside to keep our gear dry. Sprucemont offers a well secluded area in a beautiful mountain setting with lots to see. Groups of buildings can be found over a large area. Most of the mines in the area are unsafe to explore due to the high water content in the mountains. The interior support timbers are rotted away, and the rock walls are loose. Camping in Sprucemont is excellent. Firewood and water are plentiful. It would take several days to explore everything. Most all of the mining machinery is still intact. The picture of the Steam Engine and Air Compressor fails to show the massive size. These, along with other buildings and items, can be seen on our video...GHOST TOWN TRAVELS.