The town of Blair was established in 1906 as a result of overpriced property in Silverpeak.
The potential mill sites around Silverpeak were purchased by speculators with hopes of turning a profit
when the Pittsburgh Silver Peak Gold Mining Co bought the areas productive mines. Instead of
purchasing the overpriced property, the mining company constructed a 100 stamp mill three miles
north of Silverpeak. They also constructed the 17 mile railroad line to the Tonopah & Goldfield main
line. Within three months, Blair had a newspaper, post office, saloons, a two story hotel, and various
stores for its 700 inhabitants. Blair began to die in 1915 when the low grade ores could no longer be
worked profitably. Mining equipment was moved, and the railroad was torn up. Blair was totally
abandoned by 1916. There is very little wood at Blair, and it's too close to civilization for us to
consider camping there.