November 2007

Steve, Cat, & Brian

Part 2 of the 2007 trip consisted of flying and driving. Steve (, Cat (
and Brian ( flew over 17 different towns and mines looking for new areas and updating previously visited ones. A fuel stop in Tonopah, Nevada provided an opportunity to have a pleasant lunch with Shawn Hall who's shadow appears in the picture( Originally planned as a two day exploration flight, the flying portion was reduced to one day due to inclement weather. The second day then became a ground trip to follow up on some of the sights we had seen from the air. The locations visited during the ground portion are listed in the ghost town section of the home page. Some, but not all of the flight pictures are available on this website.
Click on the towns in all capitol letters for the flight pictures.
*************************** FLIGHT DAY ***********************************
SYLVANIA...........................................Looks deserted. will ground check
RED ROCK MINE..............................Additional buildings discovered nearby
Columbus...........................................Area nearby is occupied
Candelaria.........................................Connecting road to Columbus looks intact but is gated
Morris Camp......................................Many buildings
CARDINAL MINE..............................Additional buildings in area
SIMON................................................No additional structures located
ATHENS.............................................No additional structures located
ORIZABA...........................................Additional structures found
GRANTSVILLE.................................No graveyard located. Nearby structures are occuipied
BERLIN..............................................Tourist ghost town
Round Mountain................................Large Mining Operation
(Tonopah)..........................................Gas and lunch with Shawn Hall
Gilbert.................................................No additional structures located
Quebc.................................................New find
CHEMUNG MILL...............................No Saturday ghost
Aurora................................................Old mill still stands. Area occuipied
BODIE................................................Still the best "tourist" ghost town
BISHOP..............................................Landing in Bishop after a long day of Ghost Town Hunting
***************************Ground Day *****************************************
Columbus..........................................A few buildings near an occuipied area
Candelaria.........................................Road is gated between Columbus and Candelaria
Cardinal Mine....................................Many structures and snow (this trip)
Quebc.................................................Had to hike in. Need more time to explore
**************************END OF TRIP***************************************
The pictures of the towns visited during the ground trip are located in the town listings on the home page.
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